Uncovering, illuminating, emerging… Happy St Brigid’s Bank Holiday. At last, a holiday to honour Eire’s matron saint. This is a meaningful day, a representation of the female; an embracing of the “feminine” or “yin” qualities of compassion, nature, nurture, inclusion and collaboration that are so urgently needed; and the fire to make it happen. Women continue to be under-represented, women’s rights continue to be curtailed from America to Afghanistan, Brigid’s spark is bringing a new focus to her power as goddess, leader and healer within Ireland, in sync with the rise of female voices, leadership and activism internationally.
If you missed it, here is the RTE “Finding Brigid” program which aired last week, in which the wonderful Siobhán McSweeney, of Derry Girls’ fame, asks what does Brigid mean to people today?
Imbolc, which began last Tuesday at sunset, marked the half-way point between the solstice and the equinox. The word “imbolc” means “in the belly of the Mother,” when the very first stirrings of new life are beginning deep in the womb of Mother Earth. I’m sure you’ve noticed the stretch in the days and the warmth of the sun over the weekend!
So here’s to a transformative, nurturing and healing Spring full of yoga. Our Tullow class takes place in Teach Bhride, the Brigidine house of holistic education, established in 1807 by Bishop Daniel Delaney, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin,, who re-founded a new congregation from the original 5th century congregation in Kildare.
Carlow – Thursdays 6:30 pm at Askea Parish Centre. BOOK
Tullow – Tuesdays 7:00 pm at Teach Bhride. BOOK
Take a weekend away – perfect time for reflection and re-focusing in body and mind!
Yoga & Sleep at Lisnavagh – March 10 – 12
The Internal Art of Yoga at Courtyard – May 19 – 21
New Shadow Yoga Courses
Introducing the 2nd Prelude Form
This introduction to the Chaya Yoddha Sancalanam will run from April – June, with 3 monthly workshops and Zoom classes in between. The 2nd Prelude form helps to refine the breath, coordination and mindset to deepen your practice.
Workshop Dates: April 15, May 13, June 10
Choose between
- Full course – €248 (18 contact hours)
- Just the workshops – €170 (9 contact hours)
- Just the Zoom classes (for those familiar with the 2nd Prelude) – €88
Zoom classes: April 21, 28; May 5, 12, 19, 26; June 2, 9
Venue TBA
Save the dates!
Next autumn, we’ll return to the 1st Prelude Form of Shadow Yoga, the Balakrama. No experience of Shadow yoga is needed.
Workshop Dates: October 7, November 4, December 2
Zoom classes will be weekly from October to December.
Namaste, Pam